Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Topic 6- Web Applications


In this topic I realized a lot of things; first of all I learnt that web is not similar to the internet. The reason of that is because internet is the largest network in the world that connects users over the world.it exist in 1960 and created by Vint Cerf. It is also a big collection of computers. However, the web is a service in the internet which exists in 1990 and created by Tim Berners Lee. It also collection of HTML pages on the internet. Then I learnt that A web application is an application that is accessed by users over a network such as the Internet or an intranet. Web applications may display, create, and manage images, audio, videos, and data which can be stored and retrieved from the Server. The examples of web applications are Facebook, Google Documents, calendars and etc. I also learnt that web application works by server, client, and script. After that I learnt two types of web which are static and dynamic web. Static web is a read only web that allows users to search and read information. For example, Educational website is a static web. Nonetheless, dynamic web is web interaction between people, software, and data. For instance, content management system is a dynamic web. 

The second main thing that I learnt is generation of web applications. Therefore, I learnt that web application has three generations. The first generation is called web 1.0 such as informational website so, the information is displayed on web page as static content and it doesn’t allow user to contribute.  The second generation of web applications is called web 2.0 so, this web use application software such as Adobe Reader and it is combination of technology allowing user to interact with information. The third generation of web applications is called web 3.0 such as DSS that is sematic web and it based on intelligent web applications using machine-based learning and reasoning and intelligent applications. 

The third main thing that I learnt is web 2.0 applications. Therefore, I learnt that tow categories of web 2.0 which are online social networking and mashups and aggregators. Online social networking usually involved websites that are known as social sites such as Facebook and MySpace. On the other hand, mashup means collects things together. It Includes data aggregator, video aggregator, social network aggregator, search aggregator, and news aggregator. After that, I learnt tow information technologies and five applications of (web 2.0). The technologies are called XML and AJAX which are examples of programming language PL; a set of words, abbreviations, and symbols that enables a programmer to communicate the instructions to a computer. So, I learnt that there are two types of PL which are low level language and high level language. Low level languages are Machine language which use binary numbers (0-1); the first generation of PL and Assembly language that is the second generation of PL which is a program that  symbolic instruction codes.  On the other hand, high level language is divided into three generations which are procedural languages (3GLs) such as FORTAN, non-procedural language (4GL), and the fifth generation language (5GL) such as AJAX.  Moreover, XML is Extensible Markup Language contains structured information including words and pictures.However, AJAX is acronym referring to Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. The examples of pages using AJAX are YouTube and Gmail. The five applications in web 2.0 are Tagging, Blogs, Wiki, RSS, and Podcasting and Video casting. Tagging is about metadata that describe item. Blogs is a shared on-line journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences and hobbies. Wiki is collaborative website that allows users to create, add, modify or delete website content via their web browser. RSS( Really Simple Syndication)is is a technology that is being used by millions of web users around the world to keep track of their favourite websites. Podcasting and Video casting digital media consist of audio or video.

Finally, I learnt web based application a series of applications technology from Google which called Google Applications. For example, Messaging, Calendaring, Documents, Video, Sites, Talk, and Maps. 

Thank You

Topic 5- Internet Applications


This is the most interesting topic for me. Internet is a famous network that peoples use it to do certain functions such as finds information, share resources, upload and download files, use to communicate with people, and buy products and services. The internet is become very important so, we need to know the history of it. Actually, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) started to study ways to interconnect network in various kinds in 1960. So, after six years the internet has discovered but with another name called ARPANET in 1969. Then, they change the name from ARPANET to become Internet in 1989. From that period people still called it internet until nowadays. The internet has several services and application. So, I mentioned down some of them which I learnt in this topic.

One of the services is called Electronic mail (Email). This service allows messages to be exchanged from computer to computer. However, it needs Email programs such as Yahoo, Gmail, and Hotmail which used to create, send, receive, forward, store, print and delete email.    

Another service in the internet is called the Web. It contains hypertext links or highlighted keywords and images that lead to related information. So, a web is organized using documents called web pages; a collection of linked Web pages that has a common theme or focus is called a Web site; a collection of the documents. To identify a Web pages exact location, Web browsers depend on Uniform Resource Locator (URL). URL contains four parts which are transfer protocol, domain name, pathname, and the name of the file.

In addition, to allow Web browser software to read the web pages and other information, the text must be formatted according to a standard by using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Nonetheless, to access the Web, we need Internet connection, Internet Service Provider, and then we need special software called a browser to access the Web. So, we need to access the Web to Internet Service Provider (ISP) such as Celcom; commercial company that provide the Internet in Malaysia and Microsoft network. Moreover, to access the Web, we also need a Web browser such as Firefox and Chrome; software programs that are used to view web page.


Transfer Protocol is another service in the internet. The transfer protocol is the set of rules or software that the computers use to move files from one computer to another on the Internet. The most common transfer protocol used on the Internet is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and File transfer Protocol (FTP).

Another service in the internet is called Chat Rooms. Chat Room is a channel, medium, or location on Internet that allow people to chat with each other. For example, Yahoo Message Chat Room and Real Chat.

Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) or “Internet Telephony” is another service in the internet. This service uses internet to make phone call or video call. It also allows users to speak to other user over internet. The examples of VOIP are Skype and Yahoo voice.

News Groups is also a service in the internet. Electronic bulletin board conducts discussions about specific topic or subject. It includes newsreader program use to access newsgroup like Google Talk, Google Group.

Finally, I hope that you enjoy with these information.

Thank You