Sunday, 22 December 2013



This topic was very useful and interesting for me. It focuses more in the fourth step of big6 which is use of information. This topic taught me how to avoid plagiarism by using citation and document the sources. Further, our lecturer explained to us how to do citation in both in the text references and end the text references. Therefore, I learnt that learn how to do citation is very important. In fact, our lecturer told us that there are several styles to do citation. Nonetheless, in this course we only studied the APA style which refers to American Psychological Association. This style has some rules needed to apply so it also has guidance for publication. In addition to that, APA style has some editions from first until the last version of it. Actually, our lecturer explained the 6th edition of APA which the last edition.

After we learnt the basic idea of this topic, our lecturer started to teach us the basic rules of APA style. Therefore, we learn first the rules of the author. The first rule of the author is when we have a name with surname we write the surname first and then we write the initial of the other names (first and middle names). For example: (Isaac Robinson)   so to make citation we write (Robinson, I.). Moreover, for Muslim names that do not have surname and Malaysian names, we write the whole name. Further, if we have more than one name, we write the first name as the previous rules and then we write & the second name. For example: (Isaac Robison and Mohammed Ali). This can be written as (Robinson, I., & Mohammed Ali). Further, when we have more than six authors we use (et al). In addition to that, we learned that some name started with the surname such as Chinese name. 

Then, we learnt about the rules of title. In fact, the first litter of the title and the first litter of the subtitle after the colon or pronouns should only capitalize and the whole. For example, (Information Skills) will be Information skills. Another example is (Children welfare in Malaysia) will be Children welfare in Malaysia.  The second rule is underline or italic the title of books, title of Journal, title of Magazines, and title of newspaper. After that, I learnt that references should be put in alphabetical orders without using any number list and we should indent the subsequent line about one-half inch. I also learnt who to use the punctuation and their usage. You can see this example on how the references are arranged alphabetically and indent the subsequent lines (5 spaces).
Adams, C. M. (2006). The consequences of witnessing family violence on children and implications for family counselors. The Family Journal, 14, 334-341.
Day, C., Hibbert, P., & Cadman, S. (2008). A literature review into children abused and/or neglected prior custody. Youth Justice Board, 1-69.
Escobar-Chaves, S. L., & Anderson, C. A. (2008). Media and risky behaviours. Children and Electronic Media, 18, 147-180.
Actually, I learnt that each source has its own rules to write its references. First, I learnt how to write the references of books. Therefore, I learnt that information needed to reference the book is Author’s name, the book title, year of publication, and the Publisher’s location and name. it can be written as this rule.      
Author. (YEAR). TITLE. Place of Publication: Publisher.  
If we have one or two to three authors, we have to list all authors and use (&) between the second and the third authors. Nonetheless, if we have more than six authors the format will be
First author until sixth author, et al. (Year). Title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Moreover, if we have more than one edition so the format will be
Author. (Year). Title of book (Edition.). Place of Publication: Publisher.
 Sometimes, we will not find authors but instead we will find organization or cooperate bodies as authors. Other times, we may found editors and no authors so the format will be
Editor. (Ed./Eds.). (Year). Title. Place of publication : Publisher.

In addition to that, if we have author and editor at the same time, the format will be
Author, A. (Date). Title of book. Editor name (Ed.). Place of Publication: Publisher.

Moreover, if the book does not have author so the format will be
Title . (Year). Place of Publication : Publisher.

Furthermore, when we have a section or chapter in a book the format will be
Author, A. (Date). Title of chapter. In Editor name (Ed.), Title of book (page 
               number.). Place of Publication: Publisher.    
After that, our lecturer gave us some exercises to observe our understanding and correct us.
Second, we learnt how to write reference list about electronic documents or articles. The information needed to write the format is Author’s name Date of publication, Title of web page, Retrieve date, and Internet Address (URL) or DOI. Therefore, the format of an article with no DOI is
Author. (Year). Title of the article. Retrieved  from URL address

Moreover, if we have DOI so the format will be
 Author. (Date of publication). Title of article. doi:0000000/000000000000 or http:// 

Furthermore, if we have online lecturer note or presentation slides, the format will be
Author. (Year). Title of the article.[Format].  Retrieved from URL address

Then, the lecturer gave us some exercises and corrected our mistakes in the class by giving us the ideal answers.

Third, we learnt how to write references list about periodical articles. Periodical articles are Newspapers, Magazines, and journals. The information needed to write references list about articles in newspapers or Magazines is Author’s name date of publication, title of article, name of the periodical, and page Number. Therefore the format for Magazine article will be
Author, A. (Year, Month Day). Title of Article. Title of Magazine, volume, page
Moreover, the format for Newspaper article will be
Writer of the article. (Year, month day). Title of article. Title of newspaper, page.

On the other hand, the format for the journals is
Writer of the article. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume (issue/no.),
In addition to that, the format of online journals without DOI is
Author of article. (Year). Title of the article. Name of the Journal, Volume (issue /
               no), page number. Retrieved from web address

Nonetheless, the format for journal articles with DOI is
Author. (Year). Title of the article. Name of the Journal, Volume (issue / no), page.  
Fourth, we learnt how to write references list for articles from references materials such as dictionaries and encyclopedia. The format for dictionaries is
Editor. (Ed.). (Year). Name of Dictionary (Edition, Volume, page
              no). Place publication: Publisher.

Further, the format for encyclopaedia is
Author name. (Year). Name of Article. Editor name, Name of Encyclopedia (Edition, Volume,   Page   Numbers). Place Publication: Publisher.

If there is no author, so it will be

Editor name. (Year). Name of Encyclopedia (Edition, Volume.). Place Publication:
At the end of this section, our lecturer gave us lots of exercises and took us to the library to practise with real book.
In the second section, our lecturer explained to us the second type of citation which is in-text citation. She repeated saying that any citation appears in two places. The first place at the end citation as the first section. The second place is called in-text citation. The in-text citation gives the reader to follow and locate the information that the author take the information from. For  example,  Schlatter (2000) explained that mistreated children who experienced physical abuse are more anxious to their peers in school than non-maltreated children.
So, the reference will be
Schlatter, A. K. (2000). Parental Aggression and Adolescent Peer Relationships.Virginia: Department of Psychology, 1-72.

The use of in-text citation is to sammarise or parphrase or direct qoute someone else work. The use of in-text citation is very important since it can help to suuport your idea and it can highlight the other people ponts of view. For direct qoutation, it is necessary to write the author name, the date of publication, and page numper. However, if it is more than forty words then Indent the quotation.
Moreover, paraphrsing and summarizing are more similar where both need to discribe in same meaning but with different sentences. For paraphrasing and summarising, we do not put the the page numbers or question mark in the in-text citation. In the in-text citation, we only use the last name of the author. In in-text citation we can use signal phrase to introduce other people works. The common signal phrase are claim, argued, explined, suggest, stated, declared…etc.
In-text citations are the parenthetical pieces of information that appear usually at the end of a quote, paraphrase, or summary. However, they sometimes appear before the citation.  In the in-text citation we only write the author surname and the year of publication. However, if we have direct citation we must add the page numbers. In addition to that, for every in-text citation, there must be end citation (refernces).

For in-text citation by one author it can be as these examples below
·         At the end of qoutation or parphrasing such as ( Al-Fakih, 2013, p.15)
·         In 2013, Al-Fakih reported that… (p.15)
·         Al-Fakih (2013) tells us that…(p.15)
·         According to Al-Fakih (2013), “…” (p.15)

For the in-text citation by multipe authors. If we have two authors it should be as
·         According to Al-Fakih and Robinson (2013), “…” (p.15)
·         “…” ( Al-Fakih & Robinson, 2013, p. 15)

For in-text citation with three to five authors, Identify all authors in the signal phrase or the parentheses the first time you cite the source. However, if you use this citation again you should inclode only the surname for the first name and then followed by et al. Furthermore, when we have six or more authors only inclode the first surname and followed by et al from the first time. In addition to that, when we have groups as authors, first citation we have to mention the full name and then for the subsequent citations, we  can use the abbrevited for the group or th organization. Moreover, when we have work with no identified authors, we cite the text with the first few words of the title. We also can use double quotation marks around the title of an article, a chapter or a web page and italicize the title of a periodical, a book, a brochure or a report.
All in all, this topic is a very useful and interesting topic. To know more about it we need to prctice lots of sources to understand it more.


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